I know it is January 7th. I know I just uploaded a TON of photos for my year-in-review. I know I should have done this on Dec. 31, or even Jan. 1, but I didn't. I was busy enjoying my family and some much needed face-to-face time with the people I love. I hope you'll forgive me. :-) <--- cute smiley for emphasis. I also know that 2013 was one of the best years of my life. Family, personally, businessally - It ROCKED. (I know businessally isn't a real word but this is my blog so deal) For so long I kept doing what I knew wasn't right for me because I was afraid to take a chance and see what was on the other side. I'm totally Capitan Practical so launching myself out into the unknown without a guaranteed paycheck every Friday scared the bejeebies out of me. Of course God had suggested I do this very thing for YEARS, and I didn't bother to listen. He'd send me photography clients who encouraged me, deliver opportunities I'd pass up, until one day I broke. I knew I was running from it all along and last year was the very FIRST WHOLE year of my life doing what I love most. I'm my OWN W-2 this year guys!!! Before you get all jealous because I work from my home, make my own hours and "do what I want" as I've been told :-) <------ another cute smiley for emphasis, I photographed 282 sessions last year and skidded into the new year with 34 weddings complete. I have been blessed. I can't do what I love without my clients who seek me, support me, encourage me and make me love my job more every day. I can't do what I love without my husband Tod, reminding me that I need "me" and "us" time. I can't do what I love without my daughters Ashley and Krista and their husbands Jeremy and Josh who insistently require me to be present and accounted for in their antics, even when I have 42 sessions in my edit queue. I'm thankful for all of you, filling my life with your smiles, laughs and love and not crying when I tell you it will be "a little bit" before your edits are done. <------- last smiley for emphasis. Enough of my sappy soliloquy, Here's my GIANT, HUMONGOUS, MOSTLY CHRONOLOGICAL end-of-the-year review. I tried to pick my "favorites" but they're all special to me in different, unique ways and I love all the back stories behind each smile. I hope to see you all in 2014. Stephanie Bless your pea-picking heart for staying till the end!Comments are closed.
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April 2017